+258 21 083 349

Environmental Courses

  • ISO 14001:2015-Environmental Management System: Introduction
  • ISO 14001:2015-Environmental Management System: Implementation
  • Environmental Audit
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Development of Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
  • Management of Degraded Areas
  • Development of Environmental Risk Maps
  • Environmental Management System-ISO 14001:2015: Internal Auditor
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Geochemical Modelling Using PHREEQC, Visual MINTEQ and GWB
  • Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Training for SMEs
  • Environmental Management in Mining Exploration
  • Environmental Management for Oil and Gas Exploration
  • Environmental Management in Construction
  • Fundamentals of air pollution (Indoor and Outdoor)
  • Management of air pollution (Indoor and Outdoor)
  • Environmental Data Analysis using Statistical Methods
  • Environmental data analysis methods and technologies
  • Environmental Managemnt using GIS
  • Forest and wildlife resources inventory survey
  • Methods and techniques for sampling, transport, storage and preparation of water (surface and groundwater), soil, sediment and rock samples for laboratory analysis, for environmental studies
  • Laboratory Analyses Recommended for Water (Surface and Groundwater), Soil, Sediment and Rock samples, for Environmental Studies. Analysis and Interpretation of the Results using Case Studies
  • Environmental Data Analysis and Interpretation for Environmental Managers
  • Development and Implementation of Recovery Plans for Degraded Areas (RPDA)
  • Environmental Education
  • Forest Management Plan
  • Methods and Techniques for Sampling, Transport, Storage and Preparation of Vegetable (plants, leaves, fruit, etc.) and Food (from animal and plant origin) samples, for Contamination Studies
  • Laboratory Analyses Recommended for Vegetable (plants, leaves, fruit, etc.) and Food (from animal and plant origin) samples, for Contamination Studies. Analysis and Interpretation of the Results using Case Studies
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Environmental Consultancy Fundamentals
  • Mozambican Environmental Legislation
  • Environmental Due Diligence (EDD): Introduction to Environmental Due Diligence; Phase I - Environmental Site Assessment and Phase II - Site Characterization Study
  • Recovery Methods of Degraded Areas
  • Environmental Passport